Where2Submit is a free index and search service
for academic publications and events

The service is developed and maintained by the International Academy of Science, Engineering, and Technology (International ASET Inc).

For researchers:

In recent years we have witnessed a surge in the number of venues for academic publishing, as a vast number of new conferences, workshops, symposiums, congresses, courses, magazines, and journals have given researchers many options for submitting their work. This abundance of options, however, often makes it hard for researchers to find the venue that is most suited for their work. Researchers need to take into account a large number of parameters such as relevance, event date, submission date, price, location, reputation, and more. The goal of W2S is to provide researchers with a tool that can help them make this selection accurately, optimally, and painlessly.

At Where2Submit, we only list events that follow certain standards (for example having a technical committee), which means researchers can have a peace of mind regarding a baseline quality. Moreover, we allow for refining the search based a large number of parameters so that the RIGHT event can be identified based on highly personalized needs.

The service is 100% free to use. Just enter your search criteria, and we will provide you with several matching options to choose from!

For publishers and event organizers:

You can enter your event to be listed at Where2Submit for free. Just go to Add your Event or Journal and list your venue. All submitted events and publications will be reviewed according to the following criteria prior to approval and indexation on Where2Submit:

  • Each conference or publication should have a listed Scientific Committee or Editorial Board, meaning a group of professors and researchers from renowned institutions working in the same field(s) as that of the event or publication
  • Where2Submit may contact members of the Scientific Committee and/or Editorial Board to inquire about their involvement with any event and/or publication
  • Geographic and gender diversities of Scientific Committees and Editorial Boards may be considered as factors
  • Each conference should have a qualified Chair, or the approval of an Editor-in-Chief for any publications
  • A user wishing to post information on publications must be in strict adherence to Committee Publication Ethics (COPE) standards
  • Peer review information and method (ex. double blind, singled blind) must be provided concerning both publications and events Where2Submit may review the accuracy of information concerning the indexing of any publications provided by users wishing to upload any events and/or publications (ex. Scopus, DOAJ, etc.)
  • Where2Submit may review the quality of previous installments of the event or publication and evaluate the series history as a whole. This does not apply to inaugural conferences or publications, which will only be judged by the other criteria listed above.