Cognitive Systems Research

Publisher: Elsevier |  Publishing Format: Open Access   | Impact Factor: 1.384

Cognitive Systems Research is dedicated to the study of human-level intelligence. As such, it welcomes papers which advance the understanding, design and applications of cognitive and intelligent systems, both natural and artificial. The journal brings together a broad community studying cognitive architectures in vivo and in silico. It aims to integrate ideas, concepts, constructs, theories, models and techniques from across different disciplines and different perspectives on cognitive architectures - both brain-inspired and non-brain-inspired - and the development and application of cognitive systems. Cognitive Systems Research plays a special role in fostering and promoting the 'BICA Challenge' to create a real-life computational equivalent of the human mind by devoting two special issues to BICA AI (Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures Artificial Intelligence) related topics each year.


Computer science, artificial intelligence, Computer science journal

Publication Format:  Open Access

Editor in Chief
P. Érdi
Country:  United States


Please refer to the original journal website for accurate and up to date information.

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