International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education

Publisher: Springer |  Publishing Format: Open Access   | Impact Factor:

The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (IJAIED) publishes papers concerned with the application of AI to education. It aims to help the development of principles for the design of computer-based learning systems. Its premise is that such principles involve the modeling and representation of relevant aspects of knowledge, before implementation or during execution, and hence require the application of AI techniques and concepts. IJAIED has a very broad notion of the scope of AI and of a 'computer-based learning system'. Coverage extends to agent-based learning environments, architectures for AIED systems, bayesian and statistical methods, cognitive tools for learning, computer-assisted language learning, distributed learning environments, educational robotics, human factors and interface design, intelligent agents on the internet, natural language interfaces for instructional systems, real-world applications of AIED systems, tools for administration and curriculum integration, and more.


artificial intelligence, AI, education, learning systems, educational robotics, Robotics journal, Artificial intelligence journal

Publication Format:  Open Access

Editor in Chief
Judy Kay
Country:  Australia

Email:   judy.kay@sydney.edu.au
Country: USA

Website:   https://www.springer.com/journal/40593

Please refer to the original journal website for accurate and up to date information.

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