Journal of Sulfur Chemistry

Publisher: Taylor & Francis |  Publishing Format: Open Access   | Impact Factor:

The Journal of Sulfur Chemistry is an international journal for the dissemination of scientific results in the rapidly expanding realm of sulfur chemistry. The journal publishes high quality reviews, full papers and communications in the following areas: organic and inorganic chemistry, industrial chemistry, materials and polymer chemistry, biological chemistry and interdisciplinary studies directly related to sulfur science. Papers outlining theoretical, physical, mechanistic or synthetic studies pertaining to sulfur chemistry are welcome. Hence the target audience is made up of academic and industrial chemists with peripheral or focused interests in sulfur chemistry. Manuscripts that truly define the aims of the journal include, but are not limited to, those that offer: a) innovative use of sulfur reagents; b) new synthetic approaches to sulfur-containing biomolecules, materials or organic and organometallic compounds; c) theoretical and physical studies that facilitate the understanding of sulfur structure, bonding or reactivity.


Chemistry , Chemistry journal, Chemical engineering journal

Publication Format:  Open Access

Editor in Chief
Edward L. Clennan
Country:  USA

Taylor & Francis
Country: UK


Please refer to the original journal website for accurate and up to date information.

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