The mission of the journal is to publish high quality work from experimental, theoretical, and computational investigations on the fundamentals of combustion phenomena and closely allied matters. While submissions in all pertinent areas are welcomed, past and recent focus of the journal has been on: Development and validation of reaction kinetics, reduction of reaction mechanisms and modeling of combustion systems, including: Conventional, alternative and surrogate fuels; Pollutants; Particulate and aerosol formation and abatement; Heterogeneous processes. Experimental, theoretical, and computational studies of laminar and turbulent combustion phenomena, including: Premixed and non-premixed flames; Ignition and extinction phenomena; Flame propagation; Flame structure; Instabilities and swirl; Flame spread; Multi-phase reactants. Advances in diagnostic and computational methods in combustion, including: Measurement and simulation of scalar and vector properties; Novel techniques; State-of-the art applications. Fundamental investigations of combustion technologies and systems, includin
combustion, Mechanical engineering journal
Please refer to the original journal website for accurate and up to date information.